Wageningen UR Apps

SCB 0.0.6
Wageningen UR
This is the app for the Sports Centre deBongerd in Wageningen
Available PC 1.1
Wageningen UR
With this app students from Wageningen UR cansee where there is an available PC to use in the differenteducation buildings on the campus.
WageningenX Growing Crop Q3 1.1.0
Wageningen UR
This app “growing your crop” is part of a cropgrowth experiment in the edX MOOC "Growing our future food: crops”.Each week you are invited to upload photo’s showing the progressof your crop growth experiment. Photo’s will be shared with otherMOOC participants, allowing you to compare mutual results.
Hapsnapp 1.0.10
Wageningen UR
Hapsnapp is de gesprekspartner die je passendeweetjes geeft over de producten die je gedurende een week eet. Jijchat met Hapsnapp en vertelt in een paar klikken wat je eet.Hapsnapp geeft je hierover allerlei wetenswaardigheden gebaseerd opwetenschappelijke kennis van Wageningen UR (University &Research centre). Zo heb je aan het einde van de week interessante,nieuwe inzichten en leuke gespreksstof om te delen metanderen!Hapsnapp is theinterlocutor that you give appropriate facts about the productsthat you eat for a week. You chat with Hapsnapp and tells a fewclicks what you eat. Hapsnapp gives you about all sorts of factsbased on scientific knowledge of Wageningen UR (University &Research center). So you have at the end of the week interestingnew insights and fun conversation to share with others!
WageningenX Nutrition 1.0.15
Wageningen UR
In this MOOC-APP there are a number ofexercise that encourage you to upload a photo of a meal or specificfoods that you consumed. The photos will be shared with othermembers of the MOOC
Campus 1.2
Wageningen UR
Wageningen UR heeft een Campus App ontwikkeldwaarmee u op een eenvoudige wijze de weg kunt vinden op WageningenCampus. Selecteer het gebouw van bestemming en de route ernaartoewordt gegeven. Als extra mogelijkheid kan via de naam van eenmedewerker bij Wageningen UR haar/zijn contactgegevens achterhaaldworden.Wageningen UR has acampus app developed which you can find at Wageningen Campus. Wayin a simple way Select the building of destination and the route tobe given. As an extra option using the name of an employee atWageningen UR her / his contact information may be outdated.
WageningenX Nutrition Q3 1.1.0
Wageningen UR
In this MOOC-APP there are a number ofexercise that encourage you to upload a photo of a meal or specificfoods that you consumed. The photos will be shared with othermembers of the MOOC
Statistical Support WUR 1.3
Wageningen UR
To assist with the selection of statistical tests, we developed anApp based on the course Ecological Methods 1 at WageningenUniversity.
DelftWageningenX AMS 1.0.6
Wageningen UR
In this MOOC-APP there are a number ofexercises that encourage you to upload a photo of some buildings.The photos will be shared with other members of the MOOC
WageningenX OnlineCourses 1.0.21
Wageningen UR
This App will be used in the EDX courses for WageningenX
Foof Profiler 1.2.1
Wageningen UR
Are you also curious about what type of food consumer you are?
WageningenX growing crop 2016 2.0.0
Wageningen UR
This app “growing your crop” is part of acropgrowth experiment in the edX MOOC "Growing our future food:crops”.Each week you are invited to upload photo’s showing theprogressof your crop growth experiment. Photo’s will be shared withotherMOOC participants, allowing you to compare mutualresults.This app "growingyourcrop" is part of a crop growth experiment in the EDX MOOC"Growingour future food: Crop" .each week you are invited to uploadphoto'sshowing the progress or your crop growth experiment Photo'swill beshared withother. MOOC participants, allo wing you tocomparemutual results.
WUR G.O. 1.0.1
Wageningen UR
In this app, Wageningen University & Research makes useofAugmented Reality (AR) and GPS to present the user withspecificinformation, depending on their location. AR is a techniqueused,for instance, in the game Pokémon GO: the camera function ofyourphone adds 3D objects to your surroundings. With this app, theusersees orbs which remain virtually anchored around them. The orbsarewindows to content, offering access to new or extra worlds.Contentcan be presented in various formats, such as 360 video, PDForcontact information. After viewing the content, the user returnstothe virtual reality world with the orbs.
Wageningen UR
The official SDG@WUR Congress app
Wageningen Campus 1.1
Wageningen UR
Use the app to find your way around campus, keep yourself up todateon campus news and activities organised on campus. Find yourwayFind your way around campus and find buildings, restaurants,parkingplaces, bus stops and other facilities. Also find openinghours andweekly menus of the campus restaurants. Today Discoverwhat’s ontoday, read the last news and discover bargains on offerinrestaurants and shops. News Keep yourself up to date on campusnews.Calender Find information about activities organised oncampus,ranging from lectures and seminars to parties en sportsactivities.Buildings Find your way to buildings on campus, findinformationabout openings hours and facilities located indifferent buildings.Contact Contact us for all your questionsabout Wageningen Campus.
myWUR today 3.1.39
Wageningen UR
myWURtoday: Everything you need to know about your studies in ahandy app
SCB APP 1.0.0
Wageningen UR
This is the app for the Sports Centre de Bongerd in Wageningen